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DIGITAL VICES is an investigation of the behaviors associated with the use of digital devices, by creating a series of objects that re-imagine phones as interactive sculptures. Thus, observing the way human behavior adapts to new technologies and objects.


01. About

Investigates the parameters of the thesis project, giving an explanation and context to the subject matter at hand.

02. Research

An in-depth analysis of the history of technology and its relation to human behaviors. Interactions with humans and devices.

03. Ideation

Brainstorming, sketches, and models that re-imagine phones as sculptures. The goal was to create a variety of objects with little parameters

04. Proposal

Solidified exploration of thesis project. Focuses on 3 specific behavior- to-object sculptures. Additional thesis essay included.  

05. Process

Process of the creation of the three sculptures. Including sketches, materials, and progress shots. 

06. Product

Complete documentation of phone sculptures, with images and user testing videos. 

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